Education's Ecology
Why Teaching, Textbooks, Testing & Technology are Not Enough.
Part II
Teachers Can't Teach
Teachers actually know a lot about how to teach, but they operate in a system for education that privileges too many elements that have little to do with education but are called forth by the management of schools. Management begins in the classroom.
Part Two makes the case that teachers are unable to fulfill social expectations because they have been subordinated to a middle-management position in a hierarchy that is fundamentally authoritarian and undemocratic. Expectations for innovation are fraught because of schooling structures that are maintained by well-meaning but misguided actors.
Chapter V—Classroom Management—opens a window about why teacher’s priorities are not development of their students.
Chapter VI—Systems for Innovation—highlights why teachers lack incentives and tools for innovation.
Chapter VII—What is missing?—signals gaps that need attention.
Chapter VIII—Being Critical—will highlight how we block potential for change.
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